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Hier vindt u de originele teksten  van Awjer Norman Ocen over de Massacres in Northern Uganda


Lukodi is located seventeen kilometers North of Gulu town. On the 19th May 2004,
tragedy befell the land that that was once peaceful, the LRA attack. On that day at night
Dominic Ongwen led a brigade of fighters into Lukodi where 60 people were killed and
abducted very many people, before the day of the attack several sinarios were
witnessed and these sparked sense of danger. That day the detach commander had also
received intelligence of the LRA’s presence in the area and disseminated it on to the
local leaders, who were in the process of warning the people just before the LRA
attacked. The residents of Lukodi, much as there was danger continued their normal
life. The rebels divided themselves into three groups and all the groups were assigned
different tasks to carry out, the first group came and fought against the soldiers, the
second one killed civilians, burnt down houses and abducted the people in the area.in
their attacked one group attacked Lukodi from the southern part others who were
tasked to alert the rebels entered through the middle and the last group entered from
the southern part forming a horn shaped. When all the three groups approached to the
village the middle group blew whistle that alerted all the group and all the groups
responded by the same means of whistle. These was the beginning of the untold stories
in the land, immediately the LRA opened fire on the population at the twinkle of an eye
the land was filled with shouts cries and ululations bullets were spraying on the people.
The mothers that had babies were forced to kill them or else they would be killed some
of the rebels brutally injured people. That night the village become hot and everywhere
there were fire it had become bright as day.

The tragedy occurred on the 22nd October 2002 ,that night the protective camps were
better than the home itself “If you are to see the dead bodies you wouldn’t even eat
meat” one respondent said. On that day about forty to forty four fighters from the
senior brigade was ordered to finish up the people of the area and they were ordered to
abduct all living creatures and the executions started from river Agogo where several
tenths of people were abducted on reaching Opota treading center the rebels started
disposing many people by killing them painfully. On crossing the river the rebels
proceeded towards Adak. The rebels reached Lawal Ode village which is just two and a
half kilometer.12 people were abducted from Lawal Ode and they headed towards Lalur
Onyol and abducted more 8 people and from Lawal Onyol they went westward where
seven male and five female were captured in a village called Latin Ling the abductees
were forced to carry looted property.it was a very painful time “my hands were tied
behind my back they started beating me saying that ”yin la yella” that means that I am
big headed then one of the rebels came straight to me and started cutting me using a
knife “one of the victims recalls as she show the scars of the wire lock that was used on
her and the scar of the knife. We continued our journey to unknown destination and we
were so frighten and they never knew what next would be done to them At Opota 20
men and women were killed and corpse were boiled in a big pot and some bodies left
along road side and previously 8 people were killed making a total of 28 people and
there stands a big monument at corner Opota where the remains of the dead bodies
were buried.

Atiak lies 70km north of Gulu town in the present day Amuru district. On 20th April 1995
the Lord Resistance Army entered the trading center after fighting and defeating the
UPDF forces under the command of Otii Vincent, very many women, men and children
were seized and they were divided into two groups in respective to age and sex and the
young girls would be sex slaves while the energetic young men and boys would carry
laguage. And the remaining 200-300 people were killed “spray these people and make
sure they are dead” Otii said, “I thought I would be the next I saw these and I was so
scared” a respondent recalls. When the rebels confirmed that the mission was a success
Otii turned to us and said we should clap our hand to thank the job well done. Otii had
previously warned the resident of the area that he would execute the most gravious and
deadly attacks on to the people of Atiak because they have be so careless in their
speeches by saying that their guns were too rusty to kill them. The rebels tried to bomb
Atiak Technical School but it missed the dorms narrowly and they went straight to the
dorms ordered the students to get out and join the abductees about 60 students were
captured and those from Teso and Lango were killed instantly. The civilians were
paraded to Ayugi where there is kitang stream from there Otii added that there was
need to show to the people that their guns were not rusty as they had previously
boosted about, He ordered the rebels to open bullets on the captives and they should
kill all the living things .Otii then ordered pregnant mothers children to move to one side
and then the remaining group was killed, the rebels fired on the bodies three times to
make sure that the all dead.

Barlonyo is located in Agweng Sub County 26 kilometers North of Lira District it’s one of
the areas that registered one of the most horrid scenes and memories of the attacks
executed by LRA. Barlonyo also known as the field of richness has turned to be homage
of hundreds of graves. On February 21st 2004 under the command of Okot Odhiambo
and by then the second in command of the war lord Joseph Kony executed orders
where more than 300 people were brutally killed by burning them in their huts, hacking
them with knives sticks, clubs and other shot with guns.it was in Barlonyo that
instructions were given to the rebels to cut the stomach of pregnant mothers and
remove the feotus, tenths of people were captured and initiated into the rebel group
while the ones who were too weak to walk or claimed to be tired were shot dead or
chopped to pieces it was in a broad day light “when the rebels came they set all the huts
ablaze and people were inside at instance the smell of the burning people moved and
spread in the atmosphere, they cleared everything that was breathing in the area up to
now it’s still fresh in my mind like it has just happened yesterday” 60year old abductee
recall, “when the rebels saw me they said I should never make a mistake to run so I
remained in my position they captured me and they cained me seriously and they
wanted to throw me in the burning hurt but their minds changed they gave me a sack of
sugar to carry” Otim the survivors of the massacres narrates
