Covid crisis in Lira, Uganda
The economic lock down in Uganda due to the Covid Virus crisis has caused severe
Hunger for people who earn a meager living each day.
Schools for Youth started a fundraising effort to provide food for the Schools
for Youth community in Lira.
We are reaching out to caring donors like you for assistance.
We ask you to please consider supporting our work in this dire time of Hunger
and donate on NL42RABO 0327 2389 84 or
Emergency Aid Food Supply, May 1
Of each of the 240 families one member comes to pick up the packages of food (beans, maize flour, cooking oil and salt). They also get soap and a leaflet about hygene .
People are so happy, some even in tears, because they cannot imagine
this kind gesture at this very difficult time.
Also neighbours from Ayago that were not on the list came. A mother with her twins, a widow with 6 children, 3 teenage mothers, an old man, all waited the whole day to see if some food would be left. Happily for them some families didn’t show up and each one could take a smal part of the food. George Okello thanks all sponsors for his opportunity to make families happy with food for a whole week.
Food Packaging, April 29th
George Okello and his staff toke care of the food packaging. With compliments and support of authorities and Heath officers they were ready to distribute the food. They even were helped by a team of the Red Cross. The beans come by car and the and the packaging materials by motorbike
Please listen to the message 'far beyond human imaginatioon' of George Okello:
Stay at home! At the end of March
Local workshops, companies, stores, schools, all are closed due to coronacrisis. People have to stay at home, they get stressed and war traumas revive. Hardly anyone can go to work, and for most people this means: ‘No work no food’. People get hungry and stressed, and authorities are afraid of riots. Police is very strict.
Schools for Youth started an action to support food for the community of John Fischer School.
Project vocational training
Next to the old refugee camp in Lira, Schools for Youth started a project for vocational training for disadvantaged youth in 2017. It is a sustainable “Learning-work Trajectory” for these youth, where they can become independent and earn an income through gainful employment in the local market economy. See: You could share this post.
Due lock down in corona crises the continuation of this project is at risk!
Lockdown due to coronacrisis
Empty streets and an empty market. The total lockdown in the city of Lira, Uganda, means no work = no food. Please help to provide food for the community of the John Fischer School! Find the donation button on our website and give your support via Whydonate: